A Mid-Summer Night’s Rite

by Angela

June 20th-23rd is the celebration of Summer Solstice, also known as Litha.  The Summer Solstice marks the longest day and shortest night of the year.  The night of Summer Solstice has long been revered as a time of magic and manifestation, when the sun is at the height of its power in the shadow of the waxing Moon.

In old Celtic traditions, the Summer Solstice festival usually spanned several days and focused on outdoor events under the open sun by day, and ’round a large bonfire by night.  Solstice marked the official start of Summer when crops  were ripening, and trees and bushes were starting to produce fruit.  It was a time of giving thanks to the Gods & Goddesses of the Sun, Fire, Fertility, & Abundance.

Whether you are flying solo this Solstice or celebrating with a group, take some time to connect with the energy of the Sun, and the Spirit of the new season.  The exact days and rituals of Summer Solstice vary from culture to culture and country to country, so be creative.  Put together your own Mid-Summer altar or festival.  Keep in mind this is a celebration of the Sun and the abundance of Summer.  Stop into Earth lore-Plymouth or Livonia and stock up on Sun & Fire candles, & Patchouli, Cinnamon, & Amber incense.  Make a Summer Talisman with Citrine, Sunstone, Gold Tiger Eye, Calendula herb & Orange slices.

Above all, this is a time to celebrate life, and the fruits of our labor.  It is a time to give thanks for our spiritual gifts and to pass our blessings on to others.

To all of our readers & patrons,

Happy Summer Solstice from all of us at Earth lore.