Scents of Harmony

by: Angela

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool to use for promoting harmony and balance in your daily life. From burning incense and candles to creating oil blends for the body, you can manifest a harmonious environment wherever you go with the power of scent. Below is a list of scents you can use to bring peace, protection, love, and positive energy into your life everyday. I have included some basic blends and uses for these scents to manifest the most harmonious results.


Orange is a great ‘pick me up’ scent, offering a burst of positive energy whenever you burn it. I highly recommend burning Orange as a stick incense, or burning Essential Orange oil in an aroma diffuser. Since citrus is a universally delicious scent, feel free to burn the oil in any environment you choose. (Can’t use an aroma diffuser at work? Try mixing Orange oil with distilled water in a glass spray bottle. Use as a positive energy mist over your aura and around your office anytime!)


Both subtle and seductive, Myrrh is a powerful scent for purification and relaxation. Burn Myrrh as a stick incense, or use the fragrance oil in your ‘home’ aroma diffuser to calm tension and reduce irritability. You may use a Myrrh (or Myrrh & Frankincense) fragrance oil directly on your skin to reduce your own anxiety and dispel negativity.


As a scent of unconditional love, Rose is the perfect aroma to have in any home environment.  Burn it as an incense stick, or burn the fragrance oil in an aroma diffuser for an instant calming and loving feeling to fill your home. Rose is also a scent of romantic love. Burn one of Earth lore’s Seduction candles for a passionate night with your partner. Wear Rose fragrance oil daily on your skin to attract romantic  and harmonious love.


Protect your home from theft or unwanted visitors by sprinkling dried Juniper Berries at or near all entrances to your home. To dispel unwanted energies created due to family feuds, sprinkle a few drops of Essential Juniper Berry oil in your aroma diffuser with any of the other scents mentioned in this article.


As one of the most protective of all scents, Dragon’s Blood should be used daily, especially in homes with young children. When burned as a stick incense, candle, or as a fragrance oil, Dragon’s Blood is a powerful protector from unwanted energies, accidents, abuse, depression, and negativity. It can help reduce excitability and confusion. Try burning a Dragon’s Blood candle before bed and anointing your 3rd eye with a drop of Dragon’s Blood fragrance oil. This will help ensure a good night’s sleep and a positive, productive day ahead.


Few scents are as happily uplifting as Lily of the Valley. Lily of the Valley should be used in homes where family members suffer from depression, anger issues, mood swings, substance abuse, and stress-related illnesses. Burn Lily of the Valley as a stick incense or use the fragrance oil in an aroma diffuser. You may also mix the fragrance oil with distilled water in a glass spray bottle. The spray will be safe to spray over the aura, and over linens and furniture. Keep the spray accessible to anyone in the home who may need to be uplifted. (Tip for parents: put a few drops of Lily of the Valley oil on a cotton ball and put it in your child’s pocket. Instruct him/her to sniff the cotton ball if they feel anxious, angry, or depressed at school. This will help comfort them anytime you are apart.)

All of these wonderful scents are available at Earth Lore in Plymouth, MI. Thank you for reading, and for your continued patronage.

1 Comment

  1. Nick Outlaw said,

    October 29, 2011 at 11:44 pm

    The smell of cinnamon gives me that warm feeling of the holidays

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