Scents of Harmony

by: Angela

Aromatherapy is a powerful tool to use for promoting harmony and balance in your daily life. From burning incense and candles to creating oil blends for the body, you can manifest a harmonious environment wherever you go with the power of scent. Below is a list of scents you can use to bring peace, protection, love, and positive energy into your life everyday. I have included some basic blends and uses for these scents to manifest the most harmonious results.


Orange is a great ‘pick me up’ scent, offering a burst of positive energy whenever you burn it. I highly recommend burning Orange as a stick incense, or burning Essential Orange oil in an aroma diffuser. Since citrus is a universally delicious scent, feel free to burn the oil in any environment you choose. (Can’t use an aroma diffuser at work? Try mixing Orange oil with distilled water in a glass spray bottle. Use as a positive energy mist over your aura and around your office anytime!)


Both subtle and seductive, Myrrh is a powerful scent for purification and relaxation. Burn Myrrh as a stick incense, or use the fragrance oil in your ‘home’ aroma diffuser to calm tension and reduce irritability. You may use a Myrrh (or Myrrh & Frankincense) fragrance oil directly on your skin to reduce your own anxiety and dispel negativity.


As a scent of unconditional love, Rose is the perfect aroma to have in any home environment.  Burn it as an incense stick, or burn the fragrance oil in an aroma diffuser for an instant calming and loving feeling to fill your home. Rose is also a scent of romantic love. Burn one of Earth lore’s Seduction candles for a passionate night with your partner. Wear Rose fragrance oil daily on your skin to attract romantic  and harmonious love.


Protect your home from theft or unwanted visitors by sprinkling dried Juniper Berries at or near all entrances to your home. To dispel unwanted energies created due to family feuds, sprinkle a few drops of Essential Juniper Berry oil in your aroma diffuser with any of the other scents mentioned in this article.


As one of the most protective of all scents, Dragon’s Blood should be used daily, especially in homes with young children. When burned as a stick incense, candle, or as a fragrance oil, Dragon’s Blood is a powerful protector from unwanted energies, accidents, abuse, depression, and negativity. It can help reduce excitability and confusion. Try burning a Dragon’s Blood candle before bed and anointing your 3rd eye with a drop of Dragon’s Blood fragrance oil. This will help ensure a good night’s sleep and a positive, productive day ahead.


Few scents are as happily uplifting as Lily of the Valley. Lily of the Valley should be used in homes where family members suffer from depression, anger issues, mood swings, substance abuse, and stress-related illnesses. Burn Lily of the Valley as a stick incense or use the fragrance oil in an aroma diffuser. You may also mix the fragrance oil with distilled water in a glass spray bottle. The spray will be safe to spray over the aura, and over linens and furniture. Keep the spray accessible to anyone in the home who may need to be uplifted. (Tip for parents: put a few drops of Lily of the Valley oil on a cotton ball and put it in your child’s pocket. Instruct him/her to sniff the cotton ball if they feel anxious, angry, or depressed at school. This will help comfort them anytime you are apart.)

All of these wonderful scents are available at Earth Lore in Plymouth, MI. Thank you for reading, and for your continued patronage.

Burning Resin and Herbs

by Kate


Burning Resins on Charcoal

Most people are used to burning what is now considered normal incense. You simply light the end of a pre-rolled scented stick or cone, set it in a burner and voila! However, before people burned incense that was pre-made, they burned herbs and resins and hot coals or rocks. It may seem surprisingly simple once you’ve learned how but many of our customers still are unsure of how to burn resin and herbs as incense. This easy tutorial will get you on the fast track to aromatic nirvana in no time!

Items needed:

  • Resins/Herbs
  • Charcoal Tablets
  • Burner (Holder)
  • Lighter

Resins and Herbs

Resins are basically pieces of hardened tree sap. Do you know the story of the three magi who brought Frankincense and Myrrh to celebrate the birth of Christ? These resins were highly valued for not only their aromatic qualities but for their medicinal healing properties as well. At the time, they were worth their weight in gold! Don’t worry. You don’t have to spend a fortune these days to enjoy such rich aromas. We carry both frankincense and myrhh for just $2.95 an ounce, as well Dragon’s Blood, a variety of Copals, Benzoin and more!. Each of these resins have their own enchanting scent and healing properties.

Many people have familiarity with basic kitchen/cooking herbs, but did you know they make great incense as well? Burning herbs and dried flowers like lavender, cinnamon, rose as well as many others can set a wonderful ambiance in one’s home. Herbs and resins can be mixed together to create personalized signature scents or to make incense with magical intentions. (Keep reading for recipes!)

Charcoal Tablets

This is the ingredient many people are unfamiliar with. You do not want to burn charcoal you would use in a BBQ grill in your home! SwiftLite Charcoal mini tablets are made with the specific purpose of burning indoors.(Available at Earth Lore: $2.95) Because charcoal emits carbon monoxide when burned, it is important to only use these smaller tablets in a well ventilated area. They are easy to use and considered generally safe when used in the manner described. However, always remember when burning anything: A little common sense goes a long way! (i.e. Don’t burn in closet with the door closed. Don’t set on a windowsill without first securing curtains.)

Burners (Incense Holders)

Burners can be a bowl, urn or a plate. Anything that can withstand the heat will work but its best to purchase something designed with burning incense in mind. I recommend burning in a bowl with silica sand (only $0.29 per bag!) for a variety of reasons. First the sand absorbs some of the heat of the charcoal, which reduces the likelihood of the burner scorching the table/counter its sitting on. (Never set a burner on or near something flamable, like say Gramma’s favorite chair. Always place away from pets, children and others who may not realize its burning.) Second, when using a decorative bowl filled with sand, it doubles as a regular incense holder for both sticks and cones. Its easy to clean. (Extinguish anything still burning. Dump out sand. Refill bowl.) Earth Lore carries a wide selection of burners to compliment any décor.

How to Burn Incense on Charcoal:

  1. Hold charcoal tablet in air. (Although I personally use my hands, I do not recommend this. Only fools play with fire. 🙂 Its best to use some type of tongs or pliers.)  The reason you do this is to allow air to flow around the charcoal – othewise, it may extinguish itself before it gets lit.
  2. Hold flame for about 20 seconds on either side of charcoal. Matches will do in a pinch but lighters work better. They can be difficult to light while sitting in the burner.  You will probably see it spark a little bit – this means it’s self-igniting like it’s supposed to.  Once you’ve lit it, set it down! It will get very hot. VERY.
  3. Wait for a minute or two to allow charcoal to fully ignite and warm up. You’ll notice ash along the edges. Its ready!
  4. Place just a pinch or your resin, herb or homemade mixture onto charcoal. No, really just a pinch! You don’t want to extinguish it. If you’re planning on using several herbs/resins; crush and mix them first. A small pinch can scent a whole room for hours.
  5. Make sure to reseal any left overs for use at a later time. (Hey, an excuse to buy a pretty decorative box to store supplies in! 🙂

Enjoy! I find writing down my experiments with resins to be helpful in creating recipes.

Protection Incense:

  • 1 part Frankincense
  • 1 part Sandalwood
  • ½ part Rosemary
  • ½ part White Sage

Get Me Out of this Recession Incense:

  • 1 part Cinnamon
  • 1 part Benzoin
  • ½ part Patchouli
  • ½ part Ginger

Seriously Sexy Confidence Incense:

  • 2 parts Dragon’s Blood
  • 1 part Rose Petals
  • 1 part Lavender
  • ½ part Jasmine

All of these ingredients and more can be found on our herb rack. I suggest reading Cunningham’s Complete Book of Incense Oils and Brews for more recipes. Most of our herbs are $2.95 per ounce. In addition to making your own incense, we also carry a new line of resin incenses that are premixed for spiritual and aromatic pleasure: Majesty Incense. These come in conveniently packaged tins filled with 1.5 ounces of incenses. Majesty Incense are only available at our Plymouth location. Scents include Frankincense, Myrrh, Frankincense & Myrrh, Celtic Blend, Three Kings, and Gloria.